Sex disaggregated data

Disaggregation of data is the breakdown of gathered information into smaller units to gain deeper understanding of a situation or clarify underlying trends. Collection of sex disaggregated data of the college staff members helps to inform gender analysis, gender transformative approaches and the developing of programs and policies. This also helps to identify inequalities and to promote effective policy making and inform any actions that the college plans. Looking at the data, members in the college can propose ways of handling structures, resources and infrastructure. How else can this data be put to use?


  1. The data is skewed in favour of the males.
    Decisions are made with this situation in mind as way of ensuring equity and fairness.

  2. The way am seeing the collected data!!!! It is not pleasing at all coz males are more than women in the staff and we want equal participation and representation in all offices as well subjects, so members work on it, we help each other in Fighting GBV

  3. The collected is the proof that GBV is still undergoing, please let's sensitize the community to continue fighting against GBV


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